Since its inception in 1994, the LACPS has grown to be among the most influential regional groups dedicated to carnivorous plants. Meetings in the Los Angeles area, which are open to all, host celebrated botanists, horticulturalists, and explorers.

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June LACPS Meeting Postponed To July 18

Due to scheduling conflicts, the next LACPS meeting has been postponed from June 20 to July 18. The meeting will convene at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce ...

June LACPS meeting in Alhambra

In a departure from recent tradition, the June LACPS meeting will convene at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building rather than at the Huntington Gardens....

April 18 LACPS Meeting Details

Here are details from Ed Read about the upcoming LACPS meeting at the Cal State Fullerton biology greenhouse complex on April 18: I look forward to seeing yo...

December Meeting Potluck and Raffle

Our December 20 meeting will be a Potluck. The basic categories of foods that we would like people to bring to the potluck are: * Main Dishes (both vegetaria...

October 2014 Meeting Location Change

The October meeting will be held at the La Canada YMCA; the usual venue in Alhambra is presently undergoing renovation. Here are Tom Johnson's notes on the v...