Since its inception in 1994, the LACPS has grown to be among the most influential regional groups dedicated to carnivorous plants. Meetings in the Los Angeles area, which are open to all, host celebrated botanists, horticulturalists, and explorers.

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December 2017 Potluck

Our December 16th 2017 meeting will be a Potluck. The meeting will convene at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Doors open when Tom arrives, which i...

April 8 Meeting Details

Here are details on the coming LACPS meeting on April 8th from the esteemed Ed Read (manager of the CSUF Biology Greenhouse Complex): I look forward to seein...

April 2017 Meeting at CSUF

The April 2017 LACPS meeting will break form tradition temporarily and be held on the second Saturday of the month (April 8) rather than on usual third Satur...