Since its inception in 1994, the LACPS has grown to be among the most influential regional groups dedicated to carnivorous plants. Meetings in the Los Angeles area, which are open to all, host celebrated botanists, horticulturalists, and explorers.

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December ‘16 LACPS meeting

The next LACPS meeting will be held on December 17, 2016 at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Doors open when Tom arrives, which is usually around 1...

DJ To Speak About Australian CP

The next LACPS meeting will be held on October 15 (2016) at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Meeting details from Tom are below: DJ will be speaki...

Spot Cullen Presentation on the 20th

Meeting details from Tom: This is our once a decade Tasmanian meeting: Spot Cullen is visiting us from Tasmania We are expecting a memorable meeting (No pre...

June 2016 Meeting at the Huntington

The next meeting of the LACPS will be at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens from 10:30am to 1:30pm on Saturday June 18, 2016. The venue is limitin...

April 2016 Meeting at CSUF

Here is an announcement from Ed Read with details about the upcoming April 2016 LACPS meeting: Hello everyone, I am so happy that we will soon all congregat...

December 2015 Meeting

Here is a note from Tom about the December meeting: Just a reminder that our last meeting of the year will be the 19th. Plan to bring food and plants (not n...

Damon Collingsworth in San Diego

Damon from California Carnivores will be doing a presentation at the next SDCPS meeting on Sept 26th. An invitation to all LACPS members has been extended fr...

July 18, 2015 Meeting In Alhambra

In a departure from the overwhelming precedent set by its long, illustrious history of meeting on even numbered months, the LACPS will meet in July. July 18,...