Since its inception in 1994, the LACPS has grown to be among the most influential regional groups dedicated to carnivorous plants. Meetings in the Los Angeles area, which are open to all, host celebrated botanists, horticulturalists, and explorers.

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Recent posts

June 2014 Meeting at Huntington

Warren's details about the June meeting: The next meeting of the LACPS will be at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens from 10:30am to 1:30pm on Sat...

April Meeting Details

Details about the April 19 LACPS meeting at CSUF from Ed Read: Hello all, This is Ed Read writing to give details on the meeting coming up on Saturday April ...

December 21 Potluck

The December LACPS meeting will be a potluck-format affair as usual. Here are instructions from Amy: The basic categories of foods that we would like people ...

Meeting Photos

New meeting photos are now available for perusal in the photos page.