Posts by Category


February Meeting in Woodland Hills

Meeting details for the February 2024 LACPS holiday potluck in Woodland Hills, California. The meeting will feature a presentation on growing Sarracenia from...

2023 Holiday Potluck Meeting

Meeting details for the December 2023 LACPS holiday potluck in Long Beach, California. A Nepenthes seed giveaway, will part of the meeting, in addition to ca...

2022 Holiday Potluck Meeting

Meeting details for the December 2022 LACPS holiday potluck in Long Beach, California. A Nepenthes seed giveaway, will part of the meeting, in addition to ca...

October 2022 Meeting

Details for the October 2022 LACPS meeting in Pasadena, California. Presentations about Thai carnivorous plants and Sarracenia dormancy.

April 2022 Meeting

Meeting details and sign-up form for the April 2022 meeting in Pasadena, California.

February 2022 Meeting

In less than two weeks it’s the first LACPS meeting of the year and you don’t want to miss it! We will be meeting in the same location as the last meeting, ...

October 2021 Meeting - Dunsmore Park

This will be another meeting at Dunsmore Park as we continue with the CoViD protocols of outdoor meeting. We will have the usual activities, chit-chat, good...

June 2021 Meeting Details

On Saturday, June 5th, the LACPS will have it’s second meeting of the (almost) post-COVID era! The gathering will begin at 11 AM and extend to 2PM.

LACPS Meetings Resume!

After a long COVID-19 induced pause, the LACPS will reconvene on April 17 for the first time in what feels like an eternity.

New Email and Chat Groups

Due to the closure of Yahoo Groups, the LACPS has migrated to the email platform. If you were subscribed to the old group, you will need to subscri...

February Meeting with Frank Obregon

The February meeting will be held on the 29th (rather than on the third Saturday of the month, as is customary). In keeping with tradition for February, the ...

CP Dormancy Presentation

October 19, 2019: The fall meeting will feature a group presentation on navigating carnivorous plants dormancy in Southern California. Four local horticultur...

June 22 at the Huntington

The next LACPS meeting will be held at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens on Saturday June 22, 2019 from 10:30am to 1:30pm.

CSUF Biology Greenhouse Tour

The April 27th 2019 LACPS meeting will be held at the California State University Fullerton Biology Greenhouse Complex from 10:00 to noon.

April Meeting at CSUF

The April 21th 2018 meeting will be held this Saturday at the California State University Fullerton Biology Greenhouse Complex.

December 2017 Potluck

Our December 16th 2017 meeting will be a Potluck. The meeting will convene at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Doors open when Tom arrives, which i...

April 8 Meeting Details

Here are details on the coming LACPS meeting on April 8th from the esteemed Ed Read (manager of the CSUF Biology Greenhouse Complex): I look forward to seein...

April 2017 Meeting at CSUF

The April 2017 LACPS meeting will break form tradition temporarily and be held on the second Saturday of the month (April 8) rather than on usual third Satur...

December ‘16 LACPS meeting

The next LACPS meeting will be held on December 17, 2016 at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Doors open when Tom arrives, which is usually around 1...

DJ To Speak About Australian CP

The next LACPS meeting will be held on October 15 (2016) at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Meeting details from Tom are below: DJ will be speaki...

Spot Cullen Presentation on the 20th

Meeting details from Tom: This is our once a decade Tasmanian meeting: Spot Cullen is visiting us from Tasmania We are expecting a memorable meeting (No pre...

June 2016 Meeting at the Huntington

The next meeting of the LACPS will be at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens from 10:30am to 1:30pm on Saturday June 18, 2016. The venue is limitin...

April 2016 Meeting at CSUF

Here is an announcement from Ed Read with details about the upcoming April 2016 LACPS meeting: Hello everyone, I am so happy that we will soon all congregat...

December 2015 Meeting

Here is a note from Tom about the December meeting: Just a reminder that our last meeting of the year will be the 19th. Plan to bring food and plants (not n...

Damon Collingsworth in San Diego

Damon from California Carnivores will be doing a presentation at the next SDCPS meeting on Sept 26th. An invitation to all LACPS members has been extended fr...

July 18, 2015 Meeting In Alhambra

In a departure from the overwhelming precedent set by its long, illustrious history of meeting on even numbered months, the LACPS will meet in July. July 18,...

June LACPS Meeting Postponed To July 18

Due to scheduling conflicts, the next LACPS meeting has been postponed from June 20 to July 18. The meeting will convene at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce ...

June LACPS meeting in Alhambra

In a departure from recent tradition, the June LACPS meeting will convene at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building rather than at the Huntington Gardens....

April 18 LACPS Meeting Details

Here are details from Ed Read about the upcoming LACPS meeting at the Cal State Fullerton biology greenhouse complex on April 18: I look forward to seeing yo...

December Meeting Potluck and Raffle

Our December 20 meeting will be a Potluck. The basic categories of foods that we would like people to bring to the potluck are: * Main Dishes (both vegetaria...

October 2014 Meeting Location Change

The October meeting will be held at the La Canada YMCA; the usual venue in Alhambra is presently undergoing renovation. Here are Tom Johnson's notes on the v...

June 2014 Meeting at Huntington

Warren's details about the June meeting: The next meeting of the LACPS will be at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens from 10:30am to 1:30pm on Sat...

April Meeting Details

Details about the April 19 LACPS meeting at CSUF from Ed Read: Hello all, This is Ed Read writing to give details on the meeting coming up on Saturday April ...

December 21 Potluck

The December LACPS meeting will be a potluck-format affair as usual. Here are instructions from Amy: The basic categories of foods that we would like people ...

Meeting Photos

New meeting photos are now available for perusal in the photos page.

Peter D’Amato to Speak in October

Following Barry Rice's informal appearance at the August meeting, Peter D'Amato will be perhaps the second LACPS guest this year who has a Wikipedia profile.

DJ to Dazzle Alhambra August 17

Back by popular demand, DJ Frank has graciously made time in his speaking schedule to present findings from his latest expedition into the wilds of the Pacif...

June Huntington Meeting

The June meeting at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens is fast approaching. If you haven't signed up to attend at a previous meeting, you may not b...

April 20 Meeting at CSUF

The April LACPS meeting will convene on the 20th at the CSUF Biology Greenhouse complex. Here are the details from Tom: "Ed Read is kindly opening the CSU Fu...

December 15 Potluck

In keeping with tradition, the upcomming meeting on December 15 will feature a holiday potluck. Check the LACPS mailing list to see what others will bring or...

June at the Huntington

The June LACPS meeting at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens presents two temporary breaks from tradition; it is scheduled for the second Saturday ...

April meeting to be held at CSUF

April looks to be an exciting month with the regularly-scheduled LACPS meeting moving to CSUF for the day. Here are details on the venue from greenhouse dire...

NECPS to host 2012 ICPS Conference

The New England Carnivorous Plant Society (NECPS) recently announced that they will be hosting the 2012 International Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS) confer...

December Potluck

The December 18th meeting will be held at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building and will include potluck-style grazing as might be expected from a club e...

McPherson on Nepenthes and Heliamphora

Stewart McPherson has kindly made slides from his August presentation available for online perusal. Download his Powerpoints from the Past Presentations pag...

February Meeting

The February meeting will convene on the 20th at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building in Alhambra.

Ivan in the SCCNPS Newsletter

Dr. FrankenSnyder has gone native. LACPS seedbank manager Ivan Snyder has a fun little article on Datura wrightii in the latest newsletter of the South Coas...

BACPS Article

The latest Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society newsletter contains an article by Tony Gridley chronicling his recent LACPS pilgrimage.

December Meeting

The December meeting will convene on the 19th at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. For this meeting, Alhambra's usual festive atmosphere will be au...

October Meeting

The October meeting will be held on the 17th at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. DJ and Nathan will be narrating a presentation on Venezuelan CP pr...

August Meeting

The August meeting will be held on 8/22 at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce building. Author Stewart McPherson will be presenting.

LACPS at the Huntington

The June 20, 2009 LACPS meeting will be in the Botanical Center Ahmanson Classroom of the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. Meeting time: 10:30am to ...

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