The next LACPS meeting is fast approaching and will be held at Leslie’s house. If you don’t already know where that is, write DJ to RSVP.

Meeting Details

Our next meeting will be held at our semi-regular meeting location in Pasadena.  If you’ve been there before, you know where that is.  If you haven’t, write DJ to RSVP. The address is a personal residence and not for general distribution.

Since no one volunteered to make a presentation, I guess it will be me sharing even more exciting photos from the ICPS conference in Japan.  This time around I’ll have photos taken at the Tegarayama Conservatory Botanical Garden possibly also photos taken at Hyogo Prefectural Flower Center depending on how many I have from each and as time allows.

As usual, we’ll be gathering at 11:11 AM, there will also be unusual plants for sale and trade, an unusual selection of people to talk to, and refreshments supplied, or feel free to bring some to share.  Entry fee is $4.

When is it?

Saturday October 21, 2023.

The gathering will begin at 11 AM and extend to around 2 PM.

Cover charge

This meeting has an entrance fee of $4, and you may want to bring something to sit on if you can!

Where will it be?

We will be meeting at an outdoor location in Pasadena, California, with ability to go indoors if weather is inclement.

Sales and trades

There will be unusual plants for sale and trade, an unusual selection of people to talk to, and refreshments supplied, or feel free to bring some to share.