This Saturday the 17th! The second LACPS Meeting of the new decade! Starts at 11 AM, goes to 2PM!
Dunsmore Park, 4700 Dunsmore Avenue, La Crescenta, CA 91214
Look for us in the northwestern part of the park.
Please RSVP by responding on the LACPS Mailing List if you think you can make it so we can know how many attendees to expect.
Rare and unusual Plants for sale (including tuberous Drosera) and rare and unusual people to chat with! There will be a special Q&A session about tuberous Drosera.
As always, plants to show, sell, or trade are welcome.
Make it a full day of CP Goodness! After the meeting, head on over to Maggie Chen’s for a Super Special Blow-Out moving sale of Carny Plants! (Sale is from 2-5 and Address available at the meeting)