Meeting notes from Warren:

The next meeting of the LACPS will be at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens at 10:30am - 1:30pm Saturday June 16, 2018.


Sign ups are more or less closed at this point. Every one who signed up at the previous meetings or posted a request to this point should be signed up.

Please see the sign-up sheet in the LACPS Yahoo Groups database section.


The meeting will be held in the Ahmanson Classroom in the Brodie Botanical Center building.

Directions to the Huntington can be found on their website

They also have a map of the Huntington

Parking is free in the visitors lot. From the North end of the parking lot follow the road/walkway west towards the guard booth to the Botanical Center. If the guards or other staff ask tell them you are attending a meeting in the Ahmanson Classroom for the Los Angeles Carnivorous Plant Society. If you are signed up you can pick up your sticker pass at the meeting, do not pay at the main entrance. If you are not signed up you should purchase a ticket at the main entrance and I cannot guarantee space on the greenhouse tour.

The Brodie Botanical Center is pretty much due west of entrance area.

Sales and Trades

You are welcome to bring plants to show-and-tell, trade or whatever. Be aware the Huntington staff are trained to prevent people leaving the garden areas with plants. This has not been a problem in the past but could be. Be prepared to transport your plants across the large parking lot depending on where you find parking.

The Huntington has a no-fund raising policy so unfortunately we cannot have an auction for Glen

I will be bringing some snacks: soft drinks, ice, cups, chips and cookies. Feel free to bring something to share.